Crowd Productions is a design studio focused on creating and curating customer and staff experiences in physical space. We have 20 years of experience designing innovative retail and entertainment spaces for banks, retailers, health centres, cinemas and museums. We believe that the design of environments and technology should centre on the people within the space and these needs should drive fundamental shifts in how we script successful innovation.
We do this by:
01. Identifying the needs and wants of customer and user groups.
02. Creating scripts and testing the resulting desired experiences to meet those needs.
03. Translating those experiences into design outcomes and implementing and evaluating them.
Our partner network integrates a diverse range of experiences ranging from research, architectural, digital and industrial design to construction and manufacturing expertise. We have had over 25 years of extensive experience in providing leading edge design responses to projects addressing integrating innovative digital technology into the user experience. On large commercial projects we partner with Parker Design Services, who have extensive experience in large scale commercial, retail and roll out projects. They provide a substantial design, administration and documentation team and capability.